Contact us
Contact an operator if your enquiry is about bus, train or tram services. This includes service issues, lost property and staff.
Contact West Midlands Combined Authority if your enquiry is about corporate strategy and transport development.
You can check online for:
Enquiries about Swift cards
If your Swift card number begins with 633597 0112, your Swift card is managed by National Express West Midlands. You'll need to contact them for help.
Send us an enquiry
Answer some questions and we'll direct you to the right place so we can solve your enquiry.
Start an enquiryWrite to us
Customer Services
PO Box 9421
B19 3TR
Call us
Phone: 0345 303 6760
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 8am to 6pm
Wednesdays, 10am to 6pm
Saturdays, Closed*
Sundays and Bank Holidays, Closed*
Live chat
The live chat button will appear below when this service is available. This will enable you to chat directly to our customer service team.
Message us on social media
Facebook: @TransportForWM
Twitter: @TransportForWM
Complaints Procedure
Learn how we handle complaints at the West Midlands Combined Authority and Transport for West Midlands.