Camp Hill line railway stations
Kings Heath station
Ends: Ongoing
Last updated: 27 March 2025

What’s happening?
3 new railway stations are being built along the Camp Hill line in South Birmingham.
Moseley Village, Kings Heath, and Pineapple Road stations will provide faster, more reliable transport, reducing congestion and pollution. Each station will have 2 platforms, lifts, ticket machines, information screens, and secure bike parking.
Main Construction works:
Regular construction works will be continuing until the end of 2025. The majority of work is taking place during standard working hours, Monday to Friday, 07.30am to 5.30pm. To ensure the safety of our workers some work needs to take place on weekends and at night-time.
Out-of-hours work is taking place every weekend until the end of August 2025, between the hours of 9pm on Saturday nights and 2am on Monday mornings.
Work has been carefully planned to reduce disruptions by minimising night-time working wherever possible. Measures will be in place to monitor and reduce any noise.
For more information about the new stations visit Camp Hill line webpage.
Kings Heath station
Road and Footpath Closures
As part of the ongoing development of the new Kings Heath Station, there will be changes to the junction at Queensbridge Road and Kings Heath High Street (A435).
From Sunday 23 March for up to 7 weeks:
- There will be a lane closure and 3-way temporary traffic signals in operation at the junction with Queensbridge Road
- There will be no road access to and from Valentine Road from Kings Heath High Street/ A435.
- The pedestrian footway on Kings Heath High Street will be partially closed. As a result, temporary pedestrian crossings will be in place to ensure the safe crossing to the available footpath on the opposite side.
- To assist with the traffic flow, the bus stop after Valentine Road (Findlay Road) will be suspended during the works.
- Valentine Road will remain open for pedestrians.
To improve reliability, revised bus timetables and changes to City Centre stops will be in place from Sunday 30 March:
- NXWM Service 35 will move from stop MS1 to MS2.
- NXWM/Diamond Service 50 will depart from MS2 to stop MS1 and services will set down on Park Street near Selfridges, stop PA4 instead of St Martin's Church, stop number MK6.
Below is a map of the area of works.
Travel tips
You will still be able to get to where you need to go, but consider the following: