Upcoming Bus Service Changes
Changes to bus services from January 2025
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In addition to our yearly bus network reviews, we are constantly working with operators to monitor services and make improvements where we can. To increase the efficiency of the network, bus operators may make minor changes to their services throughout the year.
Bus operators must register these changes with us six weeks in advance, but occasionally urgent changes will have less notice. Below is a list of all changes we have been made aware of.
We work to update our online timetables, journey planner, and at-stop information before the change date, however this is not always possible. Please check your journey before you travel to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
Some bus routes will change operator.
nBus is now the only ticket for bus travel and can be used on any operator in the West Midlands.
Changes to service numbers 1 to 10
This National Express Coventry service will be withdrawn on 4 January.
The service will be replaced from 5 January by Stagecoach 188 service Solihull to Coventry via Balsall Common and Torrington Avenue.
The 188 timetable will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, after 19:30 Monday to Saturday and all day on Sundays, this service will be operated by Carolean Coaches.
National Express West Midlands will continue to run the service before 19:30 from Monday to Saturday.
There will be no change to route and timetable.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
There will be changes to these National Express West Midlands and Diamond Bus services during the evening and Sunday only.
Once these changes are confirmed they will be published here with any revised timetables.
From 1st December 2024, the first journey from Codsall to Wolverhampton on Sundays and Bank Holidays on this Chaserider service will run 20 minutes earlier.
All other journeys on this service will remain unchanged.
Changes to service numbers 11 to 25
From Monday 4th November, these National Express Coventry services will be operating revised Monday to Friday and Saturday timetables.
From 5 January, these National Express West Midlands services will be operated by Diamond Bus with a revised route and timetable:
- 14 – Dudley to Blackheath via Tividale Hall (every 60 minutes in the daytime from Monday to Saturday)
- 14A – Dudley to Halesowen via Tividale Hall & Blackheath (every 60 minutes on Sundays and in the evening from Monday to Saturday)
During the day, service 14 will no longer operate between Foxyards Estate and Dudley and between Blackheath and Halesowen. Service 14A will no longer operate between Blackheath and Merry Hill.
The updated timetables will be linked here once available.
Passengers can use the following alternative Diamond Bus services:
- 24H - Merry Hill to Halesowen
- 214 - Foxyards Estate to Dudley
- 215 – Dudley to Warrens Hall
These services will be operated with new timetables that begin on 5 January. These include:
- services every 60 minutes during the day from Monday to Saturday
- first and last buses at a similar time now
The new timetables will be linked here once available.
From Monday 4th November, this National Express Coventry service will be operating a revised route Monday - Saturday, with evening journeys now being extended from Bell Green to University Hospital.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be operated by National Express West Midlands with no change to route or timetable.
The timetable will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be operated by Carolean Coaches.
There will be route and timetable changes to incorporate some sections of the previous 80 service (Bilston to Moxley).
Both services follow the same line of route between Bilston and Willenhall and between Bilston Road, Farmers Way and Wednesbury. These sections will have a bus every 30 minutes as they do now.
Buses will additionally extend to Willenhall, creating new direct links for residents.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this National Express West Midlands service will be replaced by new services operated by Diamond Bus.
Between Merry Hill and Blackheath, two new services will operate Monday to Saturday. These services run every 60 minutes with first and last buses at a similar time to now:
- 24 - Merry Hill to Blackheath via Saltwells Road, Dudley Wood and Rowley Regis Hospital
- 24H - Merry Hill to Halesowen via Cradeley Heath, Blackheath and Rowley Regis Train Station
Timetables will be linked here once available.
Passengers between Dudley and Blackheath can use the following alternative services:
- X8 - Birmingham to Wolverhampton via Blackheath & Dudley (operated by National Express)
- 14 - Dudley to Blackheath via Tividale Hall
- 215 - Dudley to Warrens Hall via Kates Hill
Services 14 and 215 will begin on 5 January. Timetables will be linked here once available.
Changes to service numbes 26 to 50
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will operate with route and timetable changes.
An hourly service will still be provided with first and last buses at similar times to now.
The route will operate from West Bromwich to Wednesbury and will no longer serve Stone Cross. This creates a new direct link between Harvills Hawthorn and Wednesbury.
Passengers for Stone Cross can use the following alternatives:
- 40 - West Bromwich to Wednesbury (operated by Diamond Bus)
- 41 / 41A - West Bromwich to Wednesbury (operated by Carolean Coaches)
The updated timetable for service 41 / 41A will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, these Diamond Bus services will be operated by Carolean Coaches with route and timetable changes.
The 41A service will no longer operate via Hydes Road. It will instead follow the current 41 service, giving a half-hourly rather than hourly service.
Passengers for Hydes Road can use the following alternatives:
- 47 - West Bromwich to Wednesbury via Hateley Heath (operated by National Express)
- 30 - West Bromwich to Wednesbury (operated by Diamond Bus)
Service 30 will run with a revised timetable from 5 January.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
Changes to service numbers 51 to 90
From 5 January, this National Express West Midlands service will be operated by Diamond Bus with no change to route or timetable.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be revised top operate from Great Barr, Scott Arms to Perry Barr.
The new timetable will be linked here once available.
From Sunday 3rd of November, this NXWM service will be operating a revised timetable due to long-term roadworks on Coventry Road.
From 5 January, This National Express West Midlands service will be operated by Diamond Bus with no change to route or timetable.
The timetable will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will operate with a revised route and timetable. Buses will still operate every 60 minutes with first and last buses at similar times to now.
The service will no longer serve:
- Scott Arms to Perry Barr via Old Walsall Road & Rocky Lane
- Halfords Lane
- Dartmouth Road
- Kenrick Way.
Passengers can use the following alternative services:
- 89 - Midland Metropolitan Hospital to West Bromwich (operated by National Express)
- West Midlands Metro from The Hawthorns tram stop
- 54 - Scott Arms to Perry Barr
Service 54 will run with a revised timetable from 5 January.
This will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Walsall Community Transport service will be operated by Diamond Bus with no change to route or timetable.
The timetable will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will operate with route and timetable changes.
An hourly service will still be provided with first and last buses at similar times to now.
A new section of route is added to serve Horseley Heath. This will bring more residents within walking distance of a bus service.
The service will no longer operate between Dudley Port Railway Station and Dudley. Passengers can use the following alternatives:
- 74 - Birmingham to Dudley (operated by National Express)
- 14 - Dudley to Blackheath (operated by Diamond Bus)
- 215 - Dudley to Warrens Hall (operated by Diamond Bus)
Services 54 and 215 will run with a revised timetable from 5 January.
These will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will no longer operate due to low passenger numbers.
Passengers can use the following alternative services:
- 43 - Bilston to West Bromwich (operated by National Express)
- 82 - Wolverhampton to Dudley (operated by Diamond Bus)
- 530 – Wolverhampton to Rocket Pool (operated by Banga Buses and National Express West Midlands)
- 23 / 23A - Wednesbury to Willenhall (operated by Carolean Coaches)
Service 23 will run with a revised timetable from 5 January which will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Stagecoach service will be renumbered 188 with a new route and timetable.
Buses will follow a new route in Solihull to cover the previous Landflight service A3 (Solihull to Knowle).
Additionally, buses will extend from Balsall Common to Coventry via Torrington Avenue.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
Changes to service numbers 91 to 1000
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be operated by National Express West Midlands in the evenings from Monday to Saturday and on Sundays.
There will be minor timetable changes. There will be no changes to the route.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be operated by Carolean Coaches with no change to route or timetable.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
Due to roadworks causing significant delays, From Sunday 13th October, there will be changes to service 229 service to improve reliability.
The 229 will now operate as two services weekday and Saturday daytimes:-
229 Bilston - Sedgley Via Hurst Hill and Roseville
230 Sedgley - Dudley Via Tipton
Both services will still operate to the same current 229 route.
Timetables have been co-ordinated to provide a short connection between the two at the Market Hall stops in Sedgley.
229 will still operate as one route Evenings and Sundays but renumbered 229A.
Thru-tickets will be available for passengers travelling and having to change in Sedgley between the 229 and 230 routes.
Further details and timetables on the Diamond Bus Website.
Diamond Bus 229/230 timetable
From 5 January, this Walsall Community Transport service will be operated by Diamond Bus with no change to route or timetable.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available.
From Sunday 3rd November, these NXWM services will be operating with a minor revision to their timetable.
Also, there will be an additional morning journey on service 814, starting at Erdington to replace a journey on the 815.
Changes to service numbers A to Z
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be renumbered 601 and operated by Landflight with no change to route or timetable.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available
From 5 January, this Diamond Bus service will be renumbered 602 and operated by Landflight with no change to route or timetable.
The updated timetable will be linked here once available
From 5 January, this Landflight service will be replaced by alternative services:
- 188 - Solihull to Coventry via Dorridge, Knowle & Balsall Common
The service will be operated by Stagecoach every 60 minutes from Monday to Saturday.
- A6 - Solihull to Dorridge via Knowle
The service will be operated by Landflight every 60 minutes between 09:30 and 14:30.
These services begin on 5 January and the timetables will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, these Landflight services will be replaced by a new circular service the 664 and 665.
- Buses will be more regular with two buses per hour to Solihull from Whitlocks End, Maypole and Wythall
- Dickens Heath will also have two buses per hour to Solihull from Monday to Friday and one per hour on Sundays
- First and last buses will be at similar times to now
The new timetables will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, there will be route and timetable changes to these Landflight services.
Further details and updated timetables will be linked here once available.
From 5 January, these services will be replaced by a new 630 service operated by Landflight.
The 630 service will be more regular, running every 30 minutes between Solihull and Shirley via Olton and Acocks Green.
Ulleries Road, Summerfield Road and Lode Lane will no longer be served. Passengers can use the alternative services:
- A9 - Kingshurst to Blythe Valley Park via Solihull & Olton (Operated by Stagecoach)
- 72 - Chelmsley Wood to Solihull via Marston Green (Operated by National Express)
The new 630 timetable will be linked here once available.
From Sunday 3rd of November, this NXC service will be operating a revised timetable due to long-term roadworks on Coventry Road.
From Sunday 3rd of November, this NXWM service will be operating a revised timetable due to long-term roadworks on Coventry Road.
From Monday 4 November, these National Express Coventry services will be operating on a revised timetable and route and will become limited stop.
The route is being extended within Ansty Park to serve newly developed areas of the park.
The route will also now operate via Hinckley Road as opposed to Clifford Bridge Road and A46 Coventry Eastern Bypass.