Care Leavers Transition

Discount for Care Leavers
Are you a care-leaver who is looking to travel within the West Midlands?
You could get discounted or FREE travel within the West Midlands if you are:
- A care leaver
- Aged 16+
Check if you live in the West Midlands Combined Authority Area
You will have specific care leaver offers designated to the area you reside in within the West Midlands.
Pilot in Wolverhampton:
The Care Leavers Offer in Wolverhampton has been put in place to ensure that care leavers within the area receive the best care possible.
In Wolverhampton, they are currently striving to declare those within the Care System and those who are care leavers to be a Protected Characteristic.
Click here for the link to the Care Leaver Portal: Children in Care - Wolverhampton (
Click here for the link to the Wolverhampton Care Leaver Offer: Care Leaver Local Offer :: Home / Local Authorities / Wolverhampton City Council (
Discounted travel to work for up to 3 months. TWO nNetwork tickets free of charge and a THIRD at 50% off.

Pay child rates on bus tickets.
Eligibility: council tax is paid to one of the 7 CA councils

Swift Go
Get around for £2 part of the Government’s Help for Households scheme (up until Dec 2024)
Cycling for Everyone Go Cycle and Scoot
Apply for free West Midlands Cycle Hire and E-scooter credits

Safer Travel
Learn more about how Safer Travel are working collaboratively to make public transport safer in the West Midlands