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The Transport Planning team is also involved in transport research. Research is important for ensuring our evidence base is up-to-date for use in modelling, business cases, and monitoring and evaluation.

As well as conducting our own research such as the our work on ‘Real Journey Time’, the team represent TfWM at many different research groups and events, including:

Many of these groups have a focus on forecasting trends and patterns which, due to circumstances as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis, are of key importance to the work we do. Our involvement in these groups also involves the dissemination of information back to TfWM.

Quarterly Research Paper

As mentioned, our team and the wider department conduct our own research as well as being involved in external groups. This feeds into the Policy, Strategy and Innovation department’s Quarterly Research Paper (QRP). The QRP is a place where the department can share the latest projects and research with the wider organisation and beyond. 
